易符學苑 eForth Academy

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易符認證 eForth Certification

易符學苑 eForth Academy
易符學苑提供年青人一個學習及鑽研符式程式語言的場所.易符是最簡易的符式語言,易學易用, 並且能直接植入晶片,成為系統晶片的核心.易符學苑以易符系統為核心,幫助學生很方便地學習 Forth語言,並用來解決實際的電腦軟體及硬體的各種問題.
eForth Academy is a virtual campus to teach Forth programming language to the on-line public. This virtual campus challenges the adventurous and courageous youth to learn and develop their expertise in the exciting programming language Forth.

eForth is a version of Forth which is easy to learn, easy to implement on different CPU's, and easy to be built as CPU cores in chips. Using eForth as a stepping stone, students can learn Forth quickly and apply it to the programming problems they face.

易符認證 eForth Certification
易符學苑提供Forth語言技術的認證.Forth語言技術的認證有三級,相當於大學頒發的學士,碩士和博士學位. 申請Forth語言技術認證者,必須在易符學苑註冊.在指導教授指導下研究,完成並提出論文.若其論文為董事會接受, 即可獲得相當級別的認証.其論文則於易符學苑網站上公佈.
eForth Academy grants Forth language proficiency certificates to students at three levels, equivalent to the BS, MS and PhD degrees. Students working towards these certificates must register in eForth Academy and receive advices and tutoring from the faculty.

Each registered student selects a faculty member as his advisor. The student and the advisor prepare a research proposal and submit it to the board of directors. After the proposal is approved by the board, the student will work on the project. When the project is finished, the student will submit a thesis or a report on the recommendation from his advisor to the board. If the board accepts the report, the student will be grant a certificate.

Approved reports and theses will be posted on the eForth Academy website for public comments and examination.

易符學苑董事會Board of Directors
A board of directors will set up policy, select faculty members and students, approve study programs and grant certificates.

易符學苑教授會Teaching and Researching Faculty
A faculty of teachers and researchers will accept students as apprentices, direct students’research programs, and recommend students for certification. Members of the faculty will review the works by certificate applicants, and recommend certification to the board of directors for approval.

易符第一級認證 Lever 1 Certification
易符第一級認證相當大學的學士學位.其論文可以是用Forth語言解決實際的問題.論文頁數須超過 一百頁,包括500-1000行的原程式.

Similar to a class project at the BS level, consists of an application of Forth to solve a practical problem. The size of the report will be about 100 pages, contianing 500-1000 lines of Forth source code.

易符第二級認證 Lever 2 Certification
易符第二級認證相當大學的碩士學位.其論文可以是用Forth語言解決系統層面的問題,或是有關Forth CPU 及其他計算機器的設計和應用.論文頁數須超過二百頁,包括1000行以上的原程式.
Similar to a research project at the MS level. It should be a system level implementation of Forth for some specialized application or for a special CPU. The size of the report will be about 200 pages, containing more than 1000 lines of Forth source code.

易符第三級認證 Lever 3 Certification
易符第三級認證相當大學的博士學位.其論文必須有新發明或創意,對Forth或電腦技術的進展 有實質的貢獻.論文頁數須超過三百頁,包括1000行以上的原程式.
Similar to a research program at the PhD Level. It should have innovative idea and/or advanced technology, breaking new grounds in Forth technology. The size of the thesis will be about 300 pages, containing more than 1000 lines of Forth source code.