易符學苑 eForth Academy

健康 易符真經 高級系統 初級系統 教室 圖書館 實驗室 小學 易符認證 哲學 晶片 書店 網友 符式公開系統
Health Sutra Advance Basic Classroom Library Laboratory Kids Certificate Philosophy Chips Bookstore Friends Other Forth System

Forth Microprocessors
P-Series microprocessors including P8, P16, P24, P32, P64 and many others.

Digital Signal Processing
Fourier transform, speech coding, and DSP eForth.
Image Processing
Image processing with various image processing boards.
Parallel Processors
GAPP massively parallel processor systems, parallel data comparator.

Robotic Controls
Stepper motor drivers, open loop and close loop robotic arms.
Scientific Instructmentation
Temperature sensing and control, traffic controller.
Electronic organ, organ music by J. S. Bach.

Aritficial Intelligence

Chinese Character Generator and Text Processing